I love my Bishopric! I might be just a little partial to them but I really think I have the best Bishopric. Although!...
Today Brother Phelps called me over as I am trying to leaving Church to go visit my Dad. He did not know anything about my dad being in the hospital (nor had he ever met my dad). He just wanted to pull me aside and ask me to let my Dad know “what a wonderful job he did raising me”
Man how the floodgate opened. How did he know what to say…? That dang Spirit will tell on you all the time! Here I am trying to say as little as possible to the Ward members about my troubles and the Spirit tells on me!
I love that the Priesthood holders in my singles ward are so in sync to the needs of our members. And they follow the prompting of the spirit.
Thanks Brother Phelps!
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