My wonderful teacher Brother D Wright, who is the Director at the ASU Tempe LDS Institute, said one day at the end of class… “If you ever have some free time and want to have some real fun…Look up Water in the Scriptures and see all the different ways his prophets of old have dealt with water. See what you find.” So like a dummy I took him up on it. I can’t say it was the hoot and hollering type of fun, but I can say it was the eye open to Godly things type of fun.
Now keep in mind I don’t know if I looked too much into this or if it will mean anything to you. But it meant something to me.
In the beginning was the creation and waters in at the very beginning. The 2nd verse in the whole bible is about the spirit moving over the face of the water. He then creates the Sky to divide the water and then the earth. On the 6th day He then declares “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures”. And Then He created Adam and Eve who being human are made up of 50 to 70% water. So water is a big part of creation. (Stick with me guys I know you might hate this part. LOL) When a young woman goes though her menstrual cycle she will retain water. The menstrual cycle being a sign (in bible times) of being a woman and ready to bare children or create life. Also the same way a pregnant woman will retain water in her body while carrying a child. When a baby is in the womb about to be born we wait for “the water to break”.
I know I said I might be stretching this but stick with me.
Putting aside the all humans can not live very long with out water… most of the Bible takes place in the Desert so water was very valuable. Most of the time the lands described in the bible is dry and only got rain at certain times of the year. So the people needed to learn how to store rain or channel the water from nearby streams. In most setting back then getting your drinking water was part of the day’s duties. One would have to normally walk a distance and possibly need something to draw the water and then also something to carry the water back. Now I don’t know about you but I tend to believe that water ,even though does not look very heavy, could become heavier and heavier as I walked back carrying it ... this could be a struggle if you were a weak person.
In many stories water can be a blessing and a curse at the same time… depending on whom side you were on. In the case of the flood, it was a curse to those who were wicked. But it was also a blessing to clean the world of the wicked and those who choose God’s side were spared. In the case of the parting of the red sea, the waters parted for the Lord people to cross. However, for the Pharaoh and his army the water would be their death. God brings drought to the earth to punish the wicked. Like when the Israelite people disobeyed the Lord and Worshiped the Canaanite Gods. The Lord brings Rain as a blessing as Joel said “Oh children of Zion, be glad and rejoice in the Lord you God; for he has given the early rain for your vindication“. In the Book of Mormon, Lehi and his family cross the Sea to the Promise Land but when members of his family become wicked and murmur against Gods followers the sea becomes violent. It is not until they stop their wickedness and ask for forgiven that the seas are settled.
The fact that Jesus picked Fishermen to come and follow him and become fisher of men says a lot. These men would have been near water most of their life.. And being fishermen, they would have seen sea waters be full of Nourishment yet something to fear during a deadly storm.
Water is used in Miracles that reveals Authority and power such as: Jesus Calming the Sea, Walking on Water, healing a blind man by washing in the pool of Siloam, Leprosy healed by bathing in the River Jordan, Water into Wine, and Water into Blood, Moses Striking the rock and Water coming forth,
Water is also use as a way of Deliverance. Moses is set to drift down the Nile and is saved as an infant. Nephi and his family are taken across the sea to the Promise land.
Water is used in one of Jesus final act towards his disciples. The act of Washing their feet and by this act it shows the both the sign of his upcoming death and the disciples readiness to be his ministry after he was gone.
Water is part of Gods Laws. Holding a considerable place in Temple Ceremony, the Levitical priests were required to wash with water under the Old Testament Law. Aaron was instructed to Bath in water before offering sacrifices. Moses provided a Bronze basin of water for priest for wash their hands and feet before entering the tabernacle.
Jesus also calls himself the source of living water. And humans being born in a sack of water, Drinking water for continued life, and who clean our selves in and with water... I can see why he could be called the source of our living water.
In Lehi’s Vision a river of water separates the Tree of life and the worldly building.
Water is the means by which we are born again. Being Baptized… Being submerged under the water. Where you have no Air (Breath is not possible, in a sense death), Vision is changed and then you come up and out of the water... Clean. Which is the whole point of baptism... Right?!? To put to death the old you or sins of your Natural man. To have a new outlook and become clean.
SO in my short 4 hours of searching for how the Prophets of the Lord use water I am in awe. I am sure I could find more but do I need to prove any more. The Lord used Water for so many things. But in all things he used it for was to testify that He is real and he is All Powerful yet Merciful and Just.
I don’t know if I got out of this exercise the same things Brother Wright did... And am I done studying this... Nope... I got a lot to think about and more study as I bring this subject of Water to his Latter- Day Church. Maybe I will write more about it when I learn more.
And to Brother Wright... Next time you say Real Fun please give me something of the hoot and hollering type. :)
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