Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy day, Roof leak, and Twitter?

Today was a Fun Day... Let me Tell you :)

I woke up to Cold and Rain... Which to me says "Stay home in Bed".

But I'm not in my 20's anymore and I do try and be a responsible 30 year old.
So I get out of bed to get ready for the day. For some reason my hair will not do anything when it rains. So I go to work praying I don't look like a wet Poodle. With Crazy people driving all around me... Cuz let's face it, Arizona drivers do not know how to drive in the rain. It is not a normal thing for us. I put on my Zen Garden CD so I can stay in a Good Mood.

I get to work and due to working for a Construction Company all the field offices, foreman, and Project managers are all closed or at home. But since I'm at the Corporate office I get to stay at work... Which is fine with me.. IF I have something to do. Nothing make the Work day longer then not having enough work to do. Which since all the foreman and Project managers did not turn stuff in before heading out I did not have a whole lot to do.

So just to put a little spice and mix up my day I go home for lunch. I figure I can watch a 30 min show and clean the Dishes from breakfast. And I walk in to find that my roof (which was redone last year) has a leak in it. Now it is not a big leak... BUT a leak is a leak man and why is it leaking when it was just fixed last year? So not much I can do then... I mean you can fix it in the rain I have to wait til the rain stops. So I go and do the dishes and but a bucket under the leak.

I go back to work and still do not have a whole lot to do... So what did I do? I started my very own Twitter. I have to say that I am very proud of myself. I will get into this Cyber world yet. Although I can't help but think the more Cyber I go the more lost I get.

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