Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Crazy Mother!

OK so my Mom went to Meg's Baby Shower and had a blast. She is so excited about being a Great-Grandma. But at the end of the Night, My sister Ginny and I started wondering how she was going to get home. she lives about a hour away and she cant see at night. She drove herself earlier to help set up for the party. As she is getting ready to leave.. Ginny asks her if she will be alright to drive at night.
My CRAZY mother's reply is
" Oh I will be OK! I will just follow the White lines on the rode if I cant see"
So Ginny and I quickly put a stop that plan. Ginny jumped in my Mom's Van and I jumped in my car to follow them. And it is a good thing we did... There was an accident on the road and the highway patrol detoured us though the Indian Reservation. Mom would have been so lost. She would have been too scared to get out of the car to ask for directions and Cell phone service does not always work out there.
I am so glad that we were there for her... She has done so much for us and it is nice to do something for her.

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