In Sunday school they talked about Sin and how it was a necessary evil in the Fall of Adam and Eve. In class I sit and learn from others. I normally do not speak and if I do speak it is due to being called on. (And it’s not like I could say No) Now the lesson was about the fall of Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. In this lesson it was brought up that eve was beguiled by Satan. She was beguiled by his words…. And last Sunday we talked about the creation... and with everything made in the world... the Scriptures say "And he said"… "And it was so".
This got me thinking about the true power of words. I have heard modern day prophets speak about being mindful on how we talk and what we say to others. But this started to really make me think.
The church has counseled members to beware of gossiping, and lying. We are warned not to say certain words (Thou shalt not take the Lord thy Gods name in Vain). We are told Certain words to say.. like in our Sunday meetings and Church Ordinances. And all these words were giving for a reason…
There is a power in the words that we speak in the sacrament prayers and other ordinances.
I have read a dozen books about the laws of attraction, positive reinforcement, strengthening relationships, ect. Most of these books tell how we get back what you put out in the world and the effect that our words have on our own self and others.
In a word you can bring someone smile or make them cry. With your words you can encourage or discourage your self or others. When in a relationships we are told to speak kind words to each other.
I was told once that no one will always agree with you ....but you can have the best relationships when you have great communication.
I think this is why the Lord tells us to "Ask and you will receive". The Lord knows our hearts and minds. He knows what we want to know and our wishes. But he requires us to ask him and to communicate with him. By the Power of out own words.
This got me thinking about the true power of words. I have heard modern day prophets speak about being mindful on how we talk and what we say to others. But this started to really make me think.
The church has counseled members to beware of gossiping, and lying. We are warned not to say certain words (Thou shalt not take the Lord thy Gods name in Vain). We are told Certain words to say.. like in our Sunday meetings and Church Ordinances. And all these words were giving for a reason…
There is a power in the words that we speak in the sacrament prayers and other ordinances.
I have read a dozen books about the laws of attraction, positive reinforcement, strengthening relationships, ect. Most of these books tell how we get back what you put out in the world and the effect that our words have on our own self and others.
In a word you can bring someone smile or make them cry. With your words you can encourage or discourage your self or others. When in a relationships we are told to speak kind words to each other.
I was told once that no one will always agree with you ....but you can have the best relationships when you have great communication.
I think this is why the Lord tells us to "Ask and you will receive". The Lord knows our hearts and minds. He knows what we want to know and our wishes. But he requires us to ask him and to communicate with him. By the Power of out own words.