Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heather read everyone Nat's letter from navy Seals Bootcamp. He said the food is not good. I thought the Navy was supposed to have the best food. Man, if the Navy’s food is bad imagine the slop the Army has. Found out Nat is 2nd Stickman. I think that is one of the guys that hold the flag. We looked it up and everything we read on it said that even though it looks like an easy job it is pretty hard. But it also said a lot of prestige comes with it as well.
The Twins and I played the Wii game “Just Dance” and of course they gave me the Wii remote that does not work. Their was not back to the remote and the batteries fall out. They cheat :)
Guyla called again today. My lovely sister, Heather, volunteered both of us to go out and see her. That should be FUN. But the plot thickens Guyla told Heather that she could be facing few felonies. Something about assulting an officer. Crazy! And yes my Sister volunteered us to go visit our Crazy-Felon Sister that may or may not want to kill us. Great :)

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