Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bee Fun

Today was a little dramatic. The Twins and I cleaned the house, planted flowers in the front yard, and went swimming at Ginny and Kevin’s place. After all that was done, the twins wanted to walk to the Tanner family’s house to pick some Apricots.
So to get there you have to:

  1. walk through the lot across from the house.

  2. Then over the canal behind that that lot.

  3. cut though a horse property

  4. then we would be in the Tanner’s backyard.

So we make it to the Tanner’s backyard and it is full of the thick really soft grass filled with clovers. Well apparently Bees like to hang out in this type of grass. On our way across the Tanner’s back yard, Jeanelle got stung by a bee on the bottom of her foot. So she and Sonni screamed and cried for about 10 mins. (Fun Fun) And of course well I stood there trying to calm them both down another bee came buzzing around. Yeah and that really helped me with the calming down. I hate bees. After I got both of the twins to stop freaking out I realized we would have to walk back home though the grass and telling them that was going to be fun. So instead I ended up calling Griff to come pick us up.

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