Ok So Yesterday I did something so Creepy that I even cheeped myself out. LOL
So I was on face book and on the side of my profile it shown a list of my FB friend’s birthdays that are coming up. I see on there that the guy I asked out (for the Girl asks Guy Church Rodeo) is having a birthday. I think he is the nicest guy and just soo cute… So I decide (without thinking too much about it) that I am going to do something for his birthday. So I don’t want it to be too serious so I Google “Gift Sayings” on the internet. And I get a bunch of fun ideas of saying to put together with fun goodies. And we all know guys love goodies… Right?!?
So I’m excited and go and get the stuff and then it hits me… I have to give it to him… Now I’m scared I don’t pull off the Cool chick when I’m nervous. I tend to ramble And at this point I’m really nervous.
I invited a NEW Good friend home and talked to her about it and she decided to help me arrange the items in a bucket (cuz I have not gotten my Martha Stewart badge) I told her Iwas trying to get her to take it to him for me. I was not going to sign the card and let it just be anonymous. I would know I did something nice with out all the scary-ness of possibly him getting all weird about it.
Long story short she tried to convince me that I should not only sign my name to the card but take it to him myself.
What a Friend! Here I am tring to do something nice without taking credit and what does she try and do! LOL (If you read this I love you!)
She would not let me leave until I promised to take the gift to him by myself. And I tried to get out of there by saying “Ok, I will make sure he gets it” LOL She knew that meant... I was just going to get another friend to take it to him. I did finally leave there by saying I would take it by myself and that I would report to her after the deed was done. She told me that Guys were just like Gals mostly. They love getting things like this done for them. It makes them feel just as good as it does us Gals. I mean if a guy did this for me… It would totally make my day even if I was not that into him.
Of course what does she know.. She is married, Older and Wiser!
I am more of the mind frame that ... when a guy get something from a gal and they are not into said gal they may feel good inside for a moment... BUT THEN ... they tend to retreat into a Blackhole. This due to fear of the gal thinking they like them. Instead of just continuing to be their friend and just clearing it up that they only want friendship with said gal.
So I get there and I chicken out BUT I have this cute gift and I promised my friend that I would take it by myself. So what did I do…? I did what any other Chicken would have done in my place. I left it at his Side door (So I did not have to even go to the front door) and sent a funny Text message saying.
“Operation Birthday is a Go!
To complete this mission you will have to find the Blue Bucket.
Last seen wearing smile wrapping paper.
Last known location was your side gate
Good Luck”
Then I got into my car... praying that I would not been seen. After all this all I wanted to know was if I had just made a big mistake. I got a text back from him. (what seemed to be a million years later) saying...
“Wow! Thanks so much! That’s quite a birthday present.”
I of course am still nervous and even in text messages can not stop myself from making a fool of myself. So I send..
“I thought it might make you smile! I was just too scared to give it to you face to face. I’m kind of a chicken lol…Well I’m really glad you liked it. Hope it made you smile”
Ok what a spaz I am! Let start with the fact that
1. I just told him I could not do it face a face. I mean I could have just let him think it was a cute way to give it to him. Not Cool on my part!
2. I called myself a chicken. I am telling I'm so smooth.
3. And then rambling about making him smile. I'm the biggest Doof right?!?
But whatever! It was fun and I made someone night... Well I hope LOL
And my friend is right... “If he does not like it or get weird about it then there is something wrong with him”
So have I told you how much I love my Journey! I make myself crackup sometimes
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