Ok I’m an Older Sister (30) not married. As a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you feel like something is wrong with you if you’re not married by 24 or 25. But is there something really wrong with me?
Well this ‘Old Maid” I found a Blog by Don Osmond on the Mormon Times Website. It was so entertaining and SOO true. But he can only gives the guys side.
I was talking to a childhood friend, Katie (28 years old) and she told me... She and her Bother Robbie (30years old) gave some young 18 and 19 year old gals a ride to a church event. the gals thought Robbie was very cute and asked how old he was. He said 30 and the young gals did not think he was too old for them. But a little while later in the car they ask how old Kaite was. She told them and the young gals just thought that 28 years old for a girl was just soo old. So why the double standard?
I have seen, in my singles ward, some of the most beautiful LDS ladies who are 28, 29 and 30 years old. I have seen some of these same beautiful women doubt their self-worth due to not being married. The guys that are around the same age are usually trying to date the younger ladies in the ward. And “We” more experienced Ladies have to be carful not to be the old stocker lady who is trying to snag a younger man. I had one Bishop tell me at the ripe old age of 27 “You’re not getting any younger Erica you might want to take what you can get” And maybe I should have listened to him but I did not think I was being TOO picky... It's my eternal future were talking about here... right?!
All I want is really good friend that I could have fun with and laugh with. Someone when I don’t look my best will still walk by my side holding hands. I want someone who will spiritually lead my family. Someone when we are fighting I can say (Quote from Fools Rush In) “You’re not my favorite person right now” and still laugh at each others ridiculous sides. (Cuz let face it everyone has been ridiculous at one point or another) I dont want someone perfect... Heaven knows I'm not!
I love to be Busy with Work, Church, Family and Friends… I’m not the type to sit around and listen to others that always complain on how they have been done wrong. It’s way too negative for me. I had a friend say the other day that He (age 32) was thinking about leaving the church. When I asked him why, I was floored by his response. It was not that he had lost his faith in the gospel. But that he had lost his place with women in that church. When he was 27 or 28 he was all over the place at the singles ward and activities. When he turned 31 he got the Happy Birthday present of being transferred to a family ward. And he felt that the members did not cater to his needs. I asked him what he thought they should be doing for him. He said they should be setting him up with people they knew. They should be helping him get married. And being the type of person that I am…I said “Do you think it might be your attitude?” “Why should members set you up with people they know and love. When you have a chip on your shoulder?”... “How happy can you make the other person if you are so negative?” I am a true believer that sometimes we need help and sometimes we need to help ourselves.
Everyone goes though Heartache and everyone has hard times with trials... But why can’t we all just take what you can from the situation and move on. And I’m not saying this about other people… I continue to work on this. Why cant we just say “Thank you for that lesson Lord, Now if you don’t mind I’m going to take what I learned and try again” … We are taught so young with the story of the little train that could… Try Try Again… Right!?!. So why do we, as singles, do we think that something is wrong with us if we are single… As long as we are doing what we are supposed to and not running from being married… maybe we are where we should be... still learning and preparing for our/ your spiritual future with a Eternal Companion.
Enjoy your journey my friends…This time in our lives is so short(in the eternal scheme of things). I remember reading a priesthood talk that said... being married would be the biggest trial of your Mortal life and that is why you get the most rewards from it. So prepare now for the biggest trial and biggest blessing. Don’t run from it, don’t rush it, and keep your faith.
We have to trust that God puts his Faithful children where they need to be.
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