Looking at the life of Christ I saw that he was very slow to use angry words. His words of warning were giving with firmness and love. If you still don't believe in the power our words and thoughts then here is some more proof...
I had one person say that all my talking about the power of our words and Thoughts was just the effect of me being a Brainwashed Mormon. He changed his mind after I showed him this.
I recently learn of a Japanese researcher Mr. Emoto that did some testing and "provided factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body."
"Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities. "
"After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. "
"The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed."
"The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed."
I was watching a Friends video about this and one of the comments was.." If our thoughts and words can do this to water.. What do you think they do to Us?" I don't know if this helps you but it helped me to take more care with my Words and Thoughts.
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