Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Pageant

Our family went to the Mesa LDS Easter Pageant! I went and saved seats at 2 in the afternoon and the rest of the family joined me around 5pm. Tanya had a blast... Every time the Angels came out to sing she got so excited. Lol
Tanya wanted an Umbrella to Shade her Grandpa (that is what she calls my dad)
Tanya took a picture with my Camera... What you see here is my best "I'm smiling but please don't drop my camera Face"
It was Evan's 1st time at the LDS Temple Grounds... He loved it.
Tanya got a little tired of waiting for it to start.
Mom doing her Thing and Robbie just is always happy to just hang out and watch people.
Ginny and My soon to be Bother in Law... Kevin!
Me and Kevin's Friend Rob... He just went though a break up and needs lots of support! Love ya Rob!
I could not put Baby Robbie Down so Ginny took of picture of me.
Rob and Kev hanging out
Kevin (the New Yorker) taught Tanya to say.. "Go Yankees" LOL Tanya loves Kevin.
I don't know what she is doing but I thought it was cute.
Tanya and all her Pageant friends she made.

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