Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life is Short - Make the Difference

I got this message today from Lynda a good friend and old co-worker.  Norvee is another of my old co-worker.  She was Funny and witty.  She made it fun to come in to work.  And she was a mother hen to everyone she met.  She found out about 8 months ago that she had stage 3 cancer.  It is crazy how short life can be for us all…  We never know when we will be called back and account for our lives. 


From: Cartmell, Lynda

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:47 AM

To: Erica Smith

Hi Erica,


How are things? I think of you all time. I wanted to let you know that Norvee died on Easter Sunday. I knew the time was close and I said my goodbyes.  I could not go to the funeral. They had it at the same place they took care of Don at. The old feelings came rushing back. She is in a much better place now but she will be missed.




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