Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny Friday Moment

So I thought I would share my “funny” moment I had today…


You know you are ready for the weekend OR you left your brain at home on a Friday when….


I went to login to my computer and it would not let me in.  It said that my user name or password was incorrect.  OK so I automatically think well I type my login in everyday about a zillion times a day…. AND I just changed my password.  So I must be it putting the wrong password in.  I try a few more times making sure the cap lock is not on and still the dumb computer will not let me in. I am thinking I know that is the right password, this computer system is STUPID! So of course I need to call IT to tell them the dumb system will not let me login in and I need help straitening it out!  The guy it really nice and just starts off with the “simple stuff” like my login in name.  And after he tells me my login in name over the phone I realized I was putting my name in wrong.  L J J GEEZ


So this is my apology to the system…

Dear Highly advanced computer System,   

Please forgive me.  I am very sorry for saying you were dumb.  I would like to say it will never happen again but let’s face it we have a lot more Fridays to come in our future.  And I would hate to lie to you.   But I will promise you this one thing…. I will right down my stupid User name and put it in a safe place on my desk so it I ever forget it again.  Then I will pray that I will be able to find it when I need it. J

Erica Smith (user name: EricaS)


Man do I think this is going to be a LONG day J  Happy Friday J


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