Tuesday, September 25, 2012

TOFW Las Vegas 9-21-12 to 9-22-12

This weekend I went to Time Out For Women.  It was wonderful to be with my Mother, Aunt, Sister and my 5 nieces.  What a great message they had for the women of the church and the youth.  I wish every female member of the church could go to one of these conferences and be enlightened.  I had many favorite presenters

Julie de Azevedo Hanks

Who talked about it being Ok to not be perfect and to feel frustrated?  She talked about it not being selfish to take care of yourself unless you do it without regard to others.  But that we are commanded to love ourselves.  When the lord said to love thy neighbor as thy self he was also telling us to love our self.

DeAnne Flynn

Who talked about loving our life and to laugh often.  She talked about listening to the prompting for the spirit even if it makes you look like a crazy person.  She told a story about her teenager who had an upset stomach and because she listen to the spirit and was asking (more demanded) the doctors to administer test that were in their eye un-necessary.  But in the end those test saved her sons life.  She told the story with such humor that I was laughing until I cried.

Emily Freeman

Talked about a time when her husband was out of work and as a couple they received a blessing that an opportunity would could but for them to be patient.  She had a hard time waiting and often prayed for this opportunity to speed up.  In the end the opportunity was for her husband to buy a company of a man who has passed away of cancer.  While she was praying to speed things up the family of the man was praying for time to slow down so they would have more time with their loved one.  It goes to show God’s time table is always right and we should trust his timing.

John Hilton III

He was very funny.  He talked about it being ok to ask questions.  He told a very funny story about him being left alone with his kids and one of them wanting to make cookies.  He knew he could not make them with her while he was supposed to watch all the kids.  But then when to his mother in laws house (next door) and borrowed for pre-made cookie dough.  And when he returned home he put the dough under his shirt and asked his little girl if she had prayed.  She said yes I wanted Heavenly Father to find a way for us to make cookies.  Then with a big smile he pulled the cookie dough out from under his shirt and said “The Lord has answered your prayer.”  It goes to show that any concern that we have… no matter how small and simple or how big and complex the lord knows our concerned and wants to help us

Jericho Road

This group of men was awesome.  Truly they were a great group of entertainers with wonderful voices.  But it was even better hearing about all they do for family and for others. All of them have other jobs as well as responsibilities as home.  It was refreshing to know we have some of the greatest men among the priesthood holders of the church.  .

Macy Robison

She was a great singer with a cabaret-style and it was nice to hear from someone without the perfect Mormon gal life were you go to school get married , have kids, and are still in love 50 years later.  I have seen so many of my friends fail at marriage because no one told them it would be hard.  No one told them that you would not always agree and that sometime you have to make time to fall back in love with each other.  She talked about her knight in shining armor whose armor became rusty.  Mr. Rusty armor did not want kids or the life she would have after being married in the temple.  She talked about how hard it was to step away from that marriage and have the courage to become dingle again to find her real Knight in Shining armor.  But most of all she talked about the time in the middle where she struggled to remember her worth.

Mariama Kallon

My Favorite was Mariama.  She talked about being grateful for all the small things we have. How bless we are her in America without even knowing it.  She talked about not having a spoon to eat with and not having enough food for her family. She told us that her 1st pair of shoes was at the age of 13 or 14 and that she never slept in a bed until she was 16.  She talked about watching her family be killed in front of her.  She was grateful to just be alive. I guess I learned that more work need to be done for others.  She taught me to be grateful for what I have and do not focus so much on what I don’t have.  If we are faithful we will have what we need.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Alternative Prom Photography

Alternative Prom Photography — Ideas & Tips for Truly Great Prom Photos
Prom photo-ops have traditionally come in two flavors.
1) A camera-wielding parent on the front porch 2) The dude your high school hired arranging your arms into awkward poses.
You can shoot a mean photo, so why not try your hand at playing photographer for the night? For a kick start, here is a put together guide for prom photos that are as cool and fun as you are.
Learn how to levitate in photos or how to make your own photo booth for a post-prom party.
You only get to go to prom once (or twice, if you’re cool like that). So make photos that’ll wow your date and will be awesome to look at years later!

How to Take Awesome Prom Photos
Why it’s cool:

We know it’s the end of the school-year, and you’ve got spring fever. But what better way to get summer started than with a burst of creativity with you and your friends looking your finest.
We searched for inspiration near and far, and came up with this list to help you break the mold. Go ahead, try some out!
Get Outside:

Move the photo shoot off the front porch. See what’s in the backyard or around the corner for a more rural or urban feel to your pics.
Apps like ShootLocal (shootlocalapp.com) can help you find great locations right in your neighborhood.
If you’re a film buff, the website www.movie-locations.com shows you locations of movie sets around the globe. There may be one closer than you think.
frame it up:

It’s prom, right? A little cheese is okay. Use props to enhance your photos.
Find funky old frames at antique or thrift stores. A can of spray paint can really add some flare to your frame and give it a fresh new look.
Lean it against a nearby tree or pole, or have a friend hold it in place. Position your subjects inside of the frame for a fun picture within a picture.
speaking of pictures within pictures…
Are you obsessed with instant film? So are we! Use an instant camera to take creative portraits.
Take a close-up of you and your date. Shake it like a polaroid picture, and when it’s ready, hold it up for the camera.
float above the rest:
Don’t let gravity get you down. Get up and inspired by Natsumi Hayashi’s levitation photos.
Warning: This is not as effortless as it seems. You might have to take a few shots to get just the right one. We had our model jump several times until it looked natural.
Use a fast shutter speed (1/500 of a second) and take a lot of snaps. Watch this for some insight into the process and great tips on how to look like you’re levitating.
If you want to be more strategic (and less sweaty), here’s a tutorial on how to edit your photos using Photoshop to create the illusion of levitation.
split it up:
We’re totally fascinated with Lomokev’s fragmented portraits.
Try it out by taking 5 or 6 photos of a friend from head to toe, and collaging the photos together in a photo editor.
To maintain a proper perspective, keep the camera level with each part of the body, meaning get up high for the face and down low for the feet.
If you prefer analog, have prints made and put them together like a puzzle!
Use Creative Phoneography apps:
The best camera is the one that’s with you, right? Use photo booth apps on your phone to shoot some extra fancy snapshots.
This example used ClassicBooth for the iPhone. If you’re an Android snapper, PocketBooth is one of our faves.
Did you say camera phone?
Why not use them as a prop? Snap a quick pic of your date, and hold it up for all to see!
For more inspiration, check out Nate Bolt’s jumboltron project.
Set up your own photobooth:
Grab some funky fabric to use as a backdrop. Check out your local fabric store, or borrow that awesome shower curtain from your bathroom.
String it up in a nice shady spot outside. Grab a tripod, and use the self-timer or remote shutter on your camera to take fun photos of you and your friends

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 12th WFF Fights @ Salt River Fields!


Attached please find a voucher good for one free ticket with the purchase of a regular priced ticket for the fight at Salt River Fields Saturday, May 12th. VALID AT: Salt River Fields Box Office or at www.BuyFightTickets.com and enter the code: 20FIGHTER

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Where is the cat??????

Once you find the cat, send this puzzle along to annoy your friends!!!!

 Do not Send this until you find the cat!!!!  I promise you it is definitely there.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Funny Friday Moment

So I thought I would share my “funny” moment I had today…


You know you are ready for the weekend OR you left your brain at home on a Friday when….


I went to login to my computer and it would not let me in.  It said that my user name or password was incorrect.  OK so I automatically think well I type my login in everyday about a zillion times a day…. AND I just changed my password.  So I must be it putting the wrong password in.  I try a few more times making sure the cap lock is not on and still the dumb computer will not let me in. I am thinking I know that is the right password, this computer system is STUPID! So of course I need to call IT to tell them the dumb system will not let me login in and I need help straitening it out!  The guy it really nice and just starts off with the “simple stuff” like my login in name.  And after he tells me my login in name over the phone I realized I was putting my name in wrong.  L J J GEEZ


So this is my apology to the system…

Dear Highly advanced computer System,   

Please forgive me.  I am very sorry for saying you were dumb.  I would like to say it will never happen again but let’s face it we have a lot more Fridays to come in our future.  And I would hate to lie to you.   But I will promise you this one thing…. I will right down my stupid User name and put it in a safe place on my desk so it I ever forget it again.  Then I will pray that I will be able to find it when I need it. J

Erica Smith (user name: EricaS)


Man do I think this is going to be a LONG day J  Happy Friday J


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life is Short - Make the Difference

I got this message today from Lynda a good friend and old co-worker.  Norvee is another of my old co-worker.  She was Funny and witty.  She made it fun to come in to work.  And she was a mother hen to everyone she met.  She found out about 8 months ago that she had stage 3 cancer.  It is crazy how short life can be for us all…  We never know when we will be called back and account for our lives. 


From: Cartmell, Lynda

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:47 AM

To: Erica Smith

Hi Erica,


How are things? I think of you all time. I wanted to let you know that Norvee died on Easter Sunday. I knew the time was close and I said my goodbyes.  I could not go to the funeral. They had it at the same place they took care of Don at. The old feelings came rushing back. She is in a much better place now but she will be missed.




Friday, March 30, 2012

LOL Senior Moments are Great

A Friend of mine sent me this and man I could not stop laughing.  I had to share J


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rain and Ducks

It rained all night and when we walked outside we found ducks hanging out in the yard.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Erica Smith

Accounts Receivable

T: (480) 850-4033 I   F: (480) 850-7986


Monday, March 12, 2012

Amazing music

Today at church Janie Geigle, Joanna Gurr, and Liz Wood did a vocal trio of "I need Thee Every Hour". It was an amazing! Listen for yourself.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What were they thinking?!?

So while I was out and about I found a few people that have a different view on what is fashionable than I do. What do you think am I crazy?

Stephanie's Big Day

Today a young girl I teach at church had a very big day. It was her baptism day. I am so happy for her and love teaching her.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

rain 1.jpg

I love that not even the rain kept my family from having a great time at Disneyland and California Adventure