Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Night date with the Laundry Machine

Tonight Heather, Steve, Sonni, Mom and Dad went to the Casino. Mom really wanted to get out of the house and Heather was more than happy to take her out to the Casino. Steve and Sonni went Swimming out by the pool while Heather, Mom and Dad spent thier free slot money. Jeanelle went to a friend's house for a sleep over. I took all the laundry to the laundry mat to get it all done fast. The washing machine is still needing to be fixed. Every time we think it is fixed... it breaks again. :( Ohwell

At around 11:30pm Heather and I got a call from Jeanelle. She did not want to stay the night anymore at her friends. So I rode with Heather to pick her up. Now her friend liced about 30 to 45 min away. BUT Heather thought she knew a faster way... So it took us about an Hour and 15 min to get there... LOl Oh well it was a fun trip.

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