Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Fun!

Our family had a Homemade holiday this year. Everything had to be homemade. You could not spend a ton of money either. So we had so much fun coming up with different ideas for everyone to make. Alot of the Materials we already had. Such as:

Sonni (Age 10) Made Scripture Totes out of Fabric we already had
Jeanelle (Age 10) Made Book markers out of Ribbon and Beads we already had
Griffen (Age 15) Made decorative candies
Nat Made blends of all his favorite Spices

Other things we did were:
  • Someone made Family Calendars with everyones Birthday's and Information on it
  • Someone typed up all our family Fav Recipes for a family cookbook
  • wrap around towels ( just added Elastic and Velcro to already stocked towels

Anyway we had fun and it really brought the really meaning of the holidays to our family. Of working together and loving all our families talents.

Ginny and I

Jeanelle, Me and Sonni

Ginny and Kevin

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