Saturday, February 6, 2010

LA rained on my parade

This weekend was fun but sooo wet. Me and my two sisters (Heather and Ginny) took a girls trip to LA for Supplies and to look at stuff for Ginny's Upcoming Wedding. It was Ginny's First time to go to the Fashion District so we had a ton of fun. But it rained the entire time we were there. And let me tell you this... As much as I like the LA Fashion District I was even thinking we were crazy to shop outside in the rain for two days.

When we got there on Friday Ginny was not out of the car for even 5 min and her pants were wet from her ankle to her mid-calf. I guess her jeans were to long and they just soaked up the rain puddles. And by Lunch time Heather's pants were soaked as well. My pants stayed semi-dry compared to my sisters. Of course I think that is due to me looking down at all the puddles and going around them. They on the other hand were looking for the next shop and stepped right in all the puddles. Good thing I brought Extra Socks LOL

We got Lost a few times, Got scared by the LA Drivers, Went to our Favorite Persian Dinner, Found a few new Favorite shops. And at the end of it all we got some really great deals. :) Next time Mom, Meghan, Benzley, Amilynne, and Tominisha need to go. :) love you guys!

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