Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ginny's 1st totally Solo Photo shoot

I volunteered to be Ginny's Subject for her 1st totally solo photo shoot. I have been taking her on shoots with me for years and decided about 6 months ago that it was time for her to try. I have gone with her on a few shoots to help and advise her. But this time she was all on her own. I was not going to help at all. I think she did great and I loved the photos.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Little Birdie

Went to help my Brother in Law Steve at the shop today to start taking apart a truck. He got the truck to use some of the parts on an old truck and Jeep he is rebuilding. the rest of the parts he is going to sell. But as we worked a little bird came by and just wanted to hang out and watch. I hope the little bird found he way back to his home.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Oktoberfest Again

Lisa, Ginny, Kevin and I went to Oktoberfest. We had fun but I think we are all getting old because by 9pm we were all ready to go home to bed.

My 1st Oyster

Lisa and I went out to lunch today and I tried my frist oyster. I was ok I guess.... but I do not think I will ever have a second. :)