Friday, July 30, 2010

Busch Farms

Today Randy, Tammy, Little Heather and I went to Busch Farms... They have beauitful grounds and petting zoo... Randy liked the Free Beer... Only Randy.
It was great until it started to pour rain down on us... Man I thought we were going to drowned there was soo much water.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ralph's late Firework show Party /Pig Roast

Randy and Robert have been getting a pig ready for two days now for Ralph's Late 4th Party.

We went to Ralph's Farm around 3pm and he had rented a blow up water slide castle for the kids to play in. He had someone pick up for fireworks. He had games for the grown up and plenty of room for everyone to mix and mingle.

I had a good time but I kept calling home to check on Dad. I hope he gets better.

It was nice to hang out with Robert... I think he is the only out here that does not over react to things... but I love them all... he he

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The 4th of july at Erica Martinez's Parents house

Today we all went to Ralph's wife (Erica) parents house for a family get together. We had soo much food... Played Corn Hole... Robert showed me a few things with the soccer ball. Then we all went to the Cahokia Mountains for the fireworks. All though Robert and I got there after the fireworks were done because we had to drop off his mom first. But that was ok we still went up and saw a beautiful view of all the other firework shows in the area.

Only thing I missed was family back home and doing the fireworks myself.