Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Out with new friends

Rob, Maureen, Tammy and I

Rob, Me and Tammy
Dan and Kristy
MJ and Joan'ee
Maureen and Jimmy
Erica, Tammy, Maureen and Kristy

Maureen Rowe (a new friend) just had her 21st B-day and wanted to go out at party... So The Martinez Clan and friends from the race track all went out to see some live local music

Friday, June 25, 2010

Today was a day of cleaning the house and sitting by the pool. It was also the day that Robert went Skydiving. I'm So Jealous.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tammy in Green Water

Tammy had to get in the green pool water to fix the plug. Ick!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Dinner with Tammy's Work Family

Tonight we went to dinner with some of Tammy's work family.. They all seem so nice and they all love Tammy... I spent most of the meal trying to follow who did what and how everyone was connect. Geez

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Girls of IL

Little Heather and I
Good times in IL with Family. Went on a Float trip with Randy's Family. Had a great time and started to like Randy's Brother Robert... Only problem is he is 22 years olds... But he does not act 23 and he has been really really cool so I guess I should over look it right?!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Little Baby Birds

Today we found more little baby birds in the Drain thing on the house... So cute.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Going to IL

Today was a happy yet sad day for me... Im excited for the move but Sad to leave Arizona. Plus Dad went in for a Doctor Visit and now they have him in the hospitial to try and fix his heart and Blood Pressure. I had already flown Tammy out here on a one way ticket so I could not back out on the move. I hope things will be ok.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dad in the Hospital Goofing off

Dad put on Tommi's Hat while goofing off at the VA hospital.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Bye Arizona

I decided to move back to Illinois for at least a year. It should be a good experience since I have never lived outside of Arizona. The Ames Gals took me out to a Good bye Dinner and Happy hour. I will miss these gals.