Monday, July 24, 2006

SLC (24th of July) camping out on the street!

My Family has a tradition of camping out on the street for the 24th of july Parade in Salt Lake City UT.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Fire Works

For all that dont know I have a part time job as a Pyro-tec working for Arizona Firework productions. My Friend Tina and Brian Borden are the ones that got me into it.. and I love them for it!
Fire Marshall Checking out the Fall out area.
Talking on the phone with "Lou"
I am so Tired at this point I just want to shoot the show and go home.
Tina and I (I love her)
Yes we use flares to light them off!
Chris M (Crew Member and Friend)
Brian B (Head Pyro and Pain in the Butt) LOL
This is how red I get when out in the Sun too long.... Look out I'm and white one LOL
Tina is out Crew Mom... she is the one that makes sure we are all eating and drinking enough water.